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Wendi Aarons
Books to make you laugh,
no matter your age.
Middle Grade

Middle Age
Middle Age

"Wendi Aarons writes with respect for young readers and a deep understanding that we fumble and triumph as we discover ourselves."
Meredith Walker
Co-founder and executive director of Amy Poehler's Smart Girls
“Hilarious, relatable, and like sharing a glass of wine with your funniest friend. I'M WEARING TUNICS NOW is a gem."
Best-selling author of Furiously Happy and Let's Pretend This Never Happened
"Wendi Aarons is Gen-X’s answer to Phyllis Diller and manages to expose the frustrations and indignities of being a (gasp) middle-aged woman in America while also making you belly laugh."
Dina Gachman
Author of BROKENOMICS and the upcoming SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS
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